Unity of Delray Beach Board of Directors
Senior Minister, Rev. Jeanmarie Eck
President, Harvey L. Brown, Jr.
Vice President, Charlene Wilkinson
Secretary, Liz Shaw
Treasurer, Terry Horowitz
Director, Lynn VanDyke
Director, R. Scott Cornelius
Senior Minister
Rev. Jeanmarie Eck began serving as our Senior Minister in November 2024. Prior to joining us, she travelled to Unity churches for several months as a guest speaker and vocalist. She served at Unity of Houston for close to 10 years, where she was Lead Associate Minister, Director of Adult Education and led Wednesday Night Services. She served for three and a half years on the Board of Trustees for Unity Worldwide Ministries (1st and 2nd Vice Chair). Her Unity career includes positions at Silent Unity, Unity Village Chapel and Unity of New York, and she is a contributing writer for Unity's blessing booklets. She is an ordained Unity minister with a Masters of Divinity from Unity Institute & Seminary, and a Licensed Unity Teacher in Adult Education. She is a spiritual director with certification from Perkins School of Theology, and a SoulCollage(r) facilitator.
Harvey was born in 1961 in Delray Beach to Harvey and Gayl Brown. He has two sisters, Susan and Anne. Harvey and his wife Marilyn are Delray Beach residents. Harvey is a lifetime member of Unity of Delray Beach and currently serves as a platform speaker and occasional guest speaker. He graduated from the University of Florida in 1983 with a B.A. in marketing. In late 1983, he joined the Harvey L. Brown Insurance Agency.
Harvey earned a law degree (J.D.) from Nova Southeastern University and has been a member of the Florida Bar since 2002.
He is a former president and board member of the Delray Beach Public Library. He is also a former president of the board of the Delray Beach Playhouse. He has served as president of the Delray Beach Kiwanis and is a member of Delray Beach Rotary Club. He is the owner and president of the Harvey L. Brown Insurance Agency.
Vice President
Charlene was introduced to Unity as a child through a television segment called "The Word" and later through the Daily Word and other Unity publications. She first began attending Unity of Delray Beach in 1988 and became a member in 1990. She relocated to Washington DC in 1995 and continued her participation at Unity of Fairfax in Fairfax,Virginia.
She returned to live in South Florida in 2003 and considers Unity of Delray Beach to be her spiritual home. She has served in past years as President of Unity of Delray Beach's Board of Directors. She leads the Weekly Prosperity Coffee. She holds a Master of Religious Studies degree and has led many classes, workshops, and retreats in the last 25 years. Charlene also has a law degree (J.D.) and has been a member of the Florida Bar since 1990. She is commercial counsel for a large technology company.
Terry first came to Unity of Delray Beach in 1990 and immediately knew he was home. Within the first year he made a commitment and became a member of the church and began a journey many of us are familiar with. He has served in many areas of the church but was led to one specific area, and that was the Youth of Unity. He served the Y.O.U. for about 14 years and not just with our church, but with the regional and international Y.O.U. as well. In 1999 he was awarded the Distinguished Youth Service Award. He has served the Church as a prior board member for several years. He has attended numerous classes as well as retreats with Unity Church. Terry has spent a lot of time in the financial industry, but for the past 10 years has been a self-employed business owner. He lives in Coral Springs and enjoys a variety of activities, most of them outdoors.
Liz is originally from Northern Virginia. She began attending Unity of Delray Beach in 2004. Grateful to have found a spiritual home, she became a member in 2005. Since joining, she has volunteered as a greeter and then usher. She has served as the co-head usher of the 11a.m. team since 2007. Liz has worked as the Executive Coordinator at Delaire Country Club in Delray Beach since 2005. She holds a B.A. in English and Sociology from Bucknell University in Pennsylvania and an MSSA from Case Western Reserve University in Ohio. She is currently a member of the Board of trustees of the Little Hill Foundation in conjunction with the Alina Lodge in New Jersey. Liz’s hobbies include fitness, antique collecting, traveling and spending time with her husband, dog and five cats.
Scott moved to Florida in 1985 and shortly thereafter began attending Unity of Delray Beach. He soon became active in the church and was elected to the Board of Directors, eventually serving as President of the Board under three ministers: Richard Barnes, Greg Barrette, and Nancy Norman.
Scott attended Cornell University, graduated from Bowling Green State University, and graduated from the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin. He had a career in banking and retired from Bank of America as Vice President in the Private Client Group. Scott has two daughters and three grandchildren. He currently resides in Fort Lauderdale.
Lynn is a long-time member of Delray Beach. She came to Unity after visiting several places of worship and felt that this was her spiritual home. She answered a call to volunteer as a Youth of Unity sponsor in 1992 and has remained throughout, bringing three children of her own through the program. In addition to serving at the church level she served as Head Sponsor for many regional Youth of Unity events; she was honored to receive in 2004 a Distinguished Youth Service Award. She was certified in 2004 as a Licensed Unity Teacher, a credentialed leadership path for those desiring to serve and support a Unity minister and ministry. Lynn holds a Master of Arts degree from Barry University. She works in the telecommunication industry and has been an adjunct Communication and Public Speaking instructor at local colleges since 2005.
Chief Financial Officer
Paul is from Charleston, West Virginia. He earned a Master of Science in Finance degree from Florida International University and two undergraduate degrees in Economics and Business Administration from West Virginia State University. Prior to joining Unity in November 2013, Paul spent most of his career in public accounting. He brings years of auditing and taxation experience, with an advanced focus on not-for-profit organizations.
Music Director
Co-founder, artistic director and lead conductor for the Young Singers of the Palm Beaches, under Shawn’s supervision the organization has grown to 6 choirs and over 350 singers ages 7-18. The choir has performed with the Palm Beach Opera, Palm Beach Pops, Dave Koz, the Three Tenors as well as toured nationally and internationally.
After earning his BA and MA in music education from Marshall University, Shawn worked in public schools for 24 years in grades K-12 vocal and instrumental music.
​Shawn’s choruses have performed at several national choral directors’ conventions. He has conducted honor and all-county choirs in Florida, West Virginia and North Carolina. He served as program director at the Center for Creative Education, and Manager of Arts and Cultural Education for the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County. He is an active composer/arranger and arranger with his pieces at several publishing houses.
Shawn was pianist for the United Methodist Church of the Palm Beaches for 25 years before joining the staff at Unity of Delray Beach.
Administrative Assistant
Kathleen Cronin was born in the “Big Apple” and relocated to Florida in 1978. Her spiritual journey began in NYC early in life and expanded as events and experiences led her closer and closer to God for strength, comfort, guidance and wisdom. This journey took a quantum leap on arriving in Florida when further learning and understanding about God’s Plan for her life took place.
Kathleen experienced a very special ‘moment in time’ in 1970 when she discovered a copy of Unity’s Daily Word in a stack of National Geographic magazines a Unity friend gave her. The uplifting Daily Word messages each seemed to be especially for her…of course!
Her journey here followed a long winding road and many different hats worn during her business career ⧿Real Estate, Facilitating ‘Freedom from Smoking’ Programs sponsored by the American Lung Association, Staff at Lappin Communications including start-up of the Palm Beach Pops Orchestra, Event Planning, and now, front desk office administrative duties here at our church.
Lynn is a Michigan native and attended Wayne County Community College. She was a bookkeeper and later had a 25-year career with a builder and developer, serving as their controller. She attended Renaissance Unity in Warren, Michigan where, after her daughter made her transition, was the Church Nursery volunteer for the “Littlest Angels,” children from a few months to 1 year old. Lynn has been caring for babies and toddlers in our church nursery for several years.